Multifamily Survey
A Renter’s View

Coming out of a turbulent year, the trusted provider of automated package management solutions, Package Concierge®, commissioned Zogby Analytics to conduct an online survey of over 2,000 Multifamily Residents on their priorities for amenities and apartment searching in a time that has been anything but business as usual.
The national survey was fielded in December 2020 and received 2,017 responses that all highlighted a shift in renters perceptions.
The comprehensive study shows that in the past year, over half of renters have changed the way they prioritize amenities, with one quarter saying it has changed significantly. Package management solutions are considered one of the most important amenities by about one in five respondents, with other top categories including:
• smart home devices (such as temperature control and digital locks),
• gym and recreation sport facilities,
• outdoor kitchen and dining areas, and
• pet services.
Complete the form to download the “Multifamily Resident Survey – A Renter’s View” key findings report which will provide insight on what residents currently think about amenities and how it is affecting their apartment home selection.